2022 General Meeting
Please join us for the annual ATTA General Meeting. The meeting will be online only via Zoom video conference.
WHEN: Sunday, April 24 at 2:00 PM PT.
Meeting ID: 318 813 3076
Passcode: atta2022
Click to join: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/3188133076?pwd=Wm5YenlWZWJiOUZYbVVjT0Frdlpwdz09
If you cannot join by video, you can instead listen in by telephone:
1. Call the following number:
+1 669 900 6833
2. Enter the Meeting ID followed by #
Meeting ID: 318 813 3076
3. Press # to continue as a participant.
4. Enter the meeting passcode followed by #
Passcode: 40545436
WHEN: Sunday, April 24 at 2:00 PM PT.
Meeting ID: 318 813 3076
Passcode: atta2022
Click to join: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/3188133076?pwd=Wm5YenlWZWJiOUZYbVVjT0Frdlpwdz09
If you cannot join by video, you can instead listen in by telephone:
1. Call the following number:
+1 669 900 6833
2. Enter the Meeting ID followed by #
Meeting ID: 318 813 3076
3. Press # to continue as a participant.
4. Enter the meeting passcode followed by #
Passcode: 40545436